
Post with “Gallery” format

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UpSolution released Impreza version 5. Now it’s possible to create versatile post lists

Grid Layout is a way of showing posts (pages, portfolio pages, testimonials, custom post types) inside a grid (list). In fact, Grid Layout is a set of post elements, their position and their settings, which corresponds to every grid item. Impreza allows to create unlimited Grid Layouts via visual drag & drop editor and use them in versatile Grid content element.

View documentation.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed volutpat orci non magna iaculis iaculis. Quisque imperdiet eros mi, ac sodales nunc varius eu. Pellentesque pellentesque nisi odio, a aliquet dolor suscipit molestie. Praesent eu finibus eros. Aliquam lobortis purus et eros dapibus placerat. Sed eu dictum lectus.

Praesent sollicitudin diam at est volutpat, sollicitudin luctus diam maximus. Nullam pretium dui et lacus malesuada feugiat. Maecenas ullamcorper semper tempus. Nam est mauris, sodales sit amet lorem lacinia, ullamcorper fringilla erat. Fusce hendrerit orci ut molestie ullamcorper.

Donec iaculis risus eget imperdiet lobortis. Phasellus eget pharetra nibh. Phasellus tincidunt vitae mauris eu facilisis. Suspendisse non tincidunt est. Pellentesque posuere, lectus at laoreet eleifend, lacus magna sodales felis, et feugiat arcu arcu id massa. Duis maximus lacinia placerat. Vivamus a ante malesuada, dictum leo quis, fermentum ex.

World’s 6 Best Jungle Adventures

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Show your Impreza website and we’ll include it into our Showcase

As you may know, our Impreza landing page has the Showcase section, which shows the most attractive real websites built with Impreza. I decide to replenish our collection with fresh websites, so now it’s good time to show your website to the world 😉

Share your most beautiful website built with Impreza

Just leave a link to your site in reply to the ticket. You can leave several links as well. There are the main criterias for choosing:

  • website should based on Impreza theme with its addons
  • website shouldn’t have third party plugins which are strongly change website appearance
  • website should have beautiful (stylish, appealing, unique) appearance and consistent layout
  • matters home page only (I won’t check website secondary pages)
  • better if website strongly differs from any of Impreza demos

I will check every reply and every website and select the most attractive ones. I will rely on my taste only. Every selected website will be placed into Showcase section of Impreza landing. The order of site examples is random (is changed on page refresh).

I will mention in replies every website I selected.

What’s the benefit for you?

Impreza landing page has been viewed 18 982 times in the last 30 days (regarding Google Analytics), so it will good possibility to get some additional traffic on your website. Also is always good to know if your website was chosen as an example of a great website design.

WordPress Tutorial German with Impreza

Morbi sagittis, sem quis lacinia faucibus, orci ipsum gravida tortor, vel interdum mi sapien ut justo. Nulla varius consequat magna, id molestie ipsum volutpat quis. Suspendisse consectetur fringilla suctus. Pellentesque ipsum erat, facilisis ut venenatis eu, sodales.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sagittis, sem quis lacinia faucibus, orci ipsum gravida tortor, vel interdum mi sapien ut justo. Nulla varius consequat magna, id molestie ipsum volutpat quis. Suspendisse consectetur fringilla suctus. Pellentesque ipsum erat, facilisis ut venenatis eu, sodales vel dolor.

Aliquam ac gravida ipsum. Praesent mattis neque pulvinar mauris scelerisque finibus. Nullam ut hendrerit ipsum, quis tempor ligula. Phasellus convallis consequat elit ac ultricies. Phasellus magna massa, euismod in ipsum in, commodo fringilla nulla. Duis finibus metus diam, in accumsan lacus rhoncus eu.




10 Tips to Take Awesome Selfies

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur iaculis eros metus, a consectetur neque tincidunt quis. Nam aliquet in sapien sit amet lacinia. Vivamus sodales diam erat, eu suscipit neque auctor a. Quisque vel ligula sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dui eros, dictum in augue nec, ultricies semper est. Suspendisse ante justo, lobortis ut vestibulum at, egestas a felis.

Aliquam ante neque, cursus eu gravida ut, tincidunt sit amet dui. In scelerisque at dolor tempor convallis. Aenean diam dui, mattis eu metus ut, mollis elementum quam. Phasellus pulvinar pellentesque quam, ut dapibus sapien commodo et. Curabitur imperdiet ullamcorper orci, egestas scelerisque metus scelerisque pellentesque. Nullam mattis convallis arcu in suscipit. Sed aliquam sed sem vel cursus. Morbi nec magna consectetur, sagittis enim in, tincidunt mauris.

Nullam venenatis quam vel nulla interdum

Integer id mollis neque. Suspendisse cursus id sapien eget posuere. Etiam cursus rutrum massa, a fringilla nisl vulputate a. Pellentesque eu diam sit amet diam aliquam dapibus ut sed ipsum. Curabitur elementum est in tempus vehicula. Integer rhoncus magna diam, at consectetur mauris imperdiet non. Mauris consequat ornare nisi, et sodales diam pulvinar vitae. Nulla bibendum libero in odio euismod, in ornare augue faucibus.

Vivamus et quam nisi. Donec consequat cursus sem at gravida. Aliquam porttitor purus in arcu viverra ultricies. Maecenas lobortis vitae quam at auctor. Aliquam feugiat mauris ut feugiat vestibulum. Curabitur sagittis tincidunt ipsum, a dictum leo. Vestibulum laoreet, nibh id malesuada suscipit, dui quam bibendum dui.

Dictum nulla eu nisl malesuada blandit

Cras pretium augue at enim viverra, ac tincidunt neque volutpat. Sed mattis diam nec tellus viverra efficitur. Maecenas ac volutpat urna. Integer finibus, libero vel vulputate facilisis, nunc dui interdum arcu, id viverra sem ipsum in magna. Fusce ligula elit, tempor eget arcu a, posuere condimentum ex. Suspendisse placerat hendrerit eros quis efficitur.

Sed fermentum, neque sit amet volutpat tempus, enim dolor egestas nisl, viverra facilisis eros lectus et orci. Sed ut felis sollicitudin, commodo augue vitae, ullamcorper nisl. Proin vitae nibh bibendum, fringilla dui a, luctus dui. Donec fringilla rutrum placerat. Duis feugiat risus malesuada mi finibus sagittis. Nulla semper ullamcorper tincidunt. Sed vestibulum erat vel ipsum luctus vehicula. Cras scelerisque efficitur elit.